C/2006 M4 SWAN in HI2A images of 2006 December 22
The star field with C/2006 M4 from GUIDE8 with star magnitudes
set to the Cousins R band.
The path of C/2006 M4 is indicated for 10 hours.
HI2A image from 20061222-0801 UTC enlarged four times.
C/2006 M4 is arrowed in the center of this image.
Animation from six images 00:01 - 10:01 UTC
enlarged six times
From http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/icq/CometMags.html:
COMET C/2006 M4 (SWAN) Total-magnitude and coma-diameter estimates (visual unless otherwise noted): 2006 Dec. 24.22, 10.4, 2' (M. Linnolt, Dillingham, Hawaii, U.S.A., 20-cm reflector); 23.37, 9.4, 5' (S. Yoshida, Gunma, Japan, 0.40-m reflector); 21.78, 9.3, 3' (J. J. Gonzalez, Leon, Spain, 25x100 binoculars; zodiacal light); 20.78, 9.5, 3' (J. J. Gonzalez, Leon, Spain, 25x100 binoculars; zodiacal light); 18.38, 10.5, 1'.5 (Y. Nagai, Gunma, Japan, 0.32-m reflector); 17.69, 9.9, 2'.5 (M. L. Paradowski, Lublin, Poland, 20-cm reflector);
One month later C/2006 M4 had entered the HI1A field:The bright star is beta Aqr.