Solwind-8 Images
I have found a small comet in Solwind
images of 1983 July 07. It's visible in 15 images from 10:12:07
to 14:03:52 UTC
Images are prepared with SAOImageDS9 Version 3.0.3, histogramm
equalized and zoomed in 200 %.
Top row: 10:12:07,10:22:21, 10:32:35,10:42:50,10:53:04 UTC
Middle row: 11:47:30, 11:57:45, 12:07:59, 12:18:14, 12:28:28 UTC
Bottom row: 13:22:54, 13:33:08, 13:43:23, 13:53:37,14:03:52 UTC.
It looks mostly starlike, but a faint
tail seems to be visible in the images of the bottom row.
Images 13:22:54 to 14:03:52 (bottom row) stacked and aligned on
the comet's head.
The next image was taken at 19:44:34, when the comet was already
very close to the Sun (and invisible).
I estimate the magnitude of the comet as mag 2 - 3.
Images 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14 stacked and aligned on one of
the hot spots.