Images with MINTRON 12V1C-EX and SCT 20 cm f/10 with focal reducer
effective focal length f=675 mm f/3.3, field of view 0.56 x 0.41 deg

Captured with a resolution of 720 x 576 pixel. Image size for the satellite images on this page is 0.4 x 0.4 degrees.
This is about the field of view of my most used eyepieces with the 20 cm SCT (Criterion Dynamax 8 from 1978).

The views with the Mintron are far better than those with my best eyepiece (a Meade Series 4000 "Super Wide Angle" 67 deg field with f = 13.8 mm).
I need high magnification in my bright, suburban sky to see faint stars in it and want to have a large field of view to find them.
With the Mintron camera, I can see fainter and thus more stars as with my best eyepiece.

The ASTRA-Cluster at 19.2 deg East longitude
13 frames cumulative stacked with Giotto. One frame is 1.28 seconds. Total time 16.64 seconds
from 2003 Jun 29 22:29:15 - 22:29:31 UTC.

The ASTRA-Cluster at 19.2 deg East longitude
50 frames cumulative stacked with Giotto. One frame is 0.32 seconds. Total time 16 seconds
from 2003 Jun 27 22:58:49 - 22:59:05 UTC.

Name IntDes # lambda i
ASTRA 1B 1991-015A 21139 19.2 E 0.01
ASTRA 1C 1993-031A 22653 19.2 E 0.01
ASTRA 1E 1995-055A 23686 19.2 E 0.01
ASTRA 1F 1996-021A 23842 19.2 E 0.01
ASTRA 1G 1997-076A 25071 19.2 E 0.01
ASTRA 1H 1999-033A 25785 19.2 E 0.01
ASTRA 2C 2001-025A 26853 19.2 E 0.08

The HotBird-Cluster at 13.0 deg East longitude
50 frames cumulative stacked with Giotto. One frame is 0.32 seconds. Total time 16 seconds
from 2003 Jun 27 23:31:47 - 23:32:03 UTC.

Name IntDes # lambda i
Hot Bird 1 1995-016B 23537 +13.0 E 0.05
Hot Bird 2 1996-067A 24665 +13.0 E 0.06
Hot Bird 3 1997-049A 24931 +13.0 E 0.06
Hot Bird 4 1998-013A 25237 +13.0 E 0.00
Hot Bird 6 2002-038A 27499 +13.0 E 0.02

Pluto 2003 June 26 and 27
150 and 162 frames added with FitsWork. One frame is 0.32 seconds. Total integration time 48 and 52 seconds.
V magnitudes are from Tycho 2 (11.0 - 12.0) and derived from USNO B1.0 (14.0 - 14.5),
The conversion from USNO B1.0 magnitudes to visual magnitudes is described here.

The sane frames added with Registax.