First images with MINTRON 12V1C-EX and lens f=75 mm f/1.3

Until now I have not used an IR-Cut Filter and captured with only 640 x 480 pixel resolution.

Five geosats (and two hot pixels).
101 frames stacked with Giotto. One frame is 1.28 seconds. Total exposure time 129 seconds
from 2003 Feb 23 23:36:29 - 23:38:38 UTC.
Milstar 5 is the brightest geosat in that part of the sky.

Name IntDes # Lambda i
Eutelsat W3 1999-018A 25673 7.0 E 0.01
Skynet 4F 2001-005B 26695 6.0 E 2.38
Sirius 3 1998-056B 25492 5.0 E 0.03
Sirius 2 1997-071B 25049 4.8 E 0.03
Milstar 5 2002-001A 27168 3.9 E 3.65

The same 101 frames stacked with Giotto, but aligned on stars of the constellation Sextans
(epsilon, 18 and 17 are marked). Tycho magnitudes are below some of the star images.
Mag 11.5 stars are visible.