On the Orbital Evolution of the Kracht Group Comets

I have integrated the orbits of 96P/Machholz, C/2000 O3 = C/2005 W4, C/2002 Q8 = C/2008 E4, C/2002 Q10 = C/2008 G6, C/1996 X3 = C/2002 S7 = C/2008 N4, C/1996 X4 = C/2002 S4, C/1996 X5 = C/2002 S5, C/2002 S11 = C/2008 R7 with SOLEX100 to a common epoch of 2020-12-31 and then backwards with output every 2000 days (about one revolution about the sun) until -170-09-07 (400 steps).

The orbital elements of the three pairs C/2000 O3 = C/2005 W4, C/2002 Q8 = C/2008 E4, C/2002 Q10 = C/2008 G6 meet the elements of 96P in the past (or are at least similar to them):

Inclinations (in degree) for the years from -170 to 2020 (click image to enlarge)
96P/Machholz (black), C/2000 O3 (blue), C/2002 Q8 (red), C/2002 Q10 (green)

Longitudes of node (in degree) for the years from -170 to 2020 (click image to enlarge)
96P/Machholz (black), C/2000 O3 (blue), C/2002 Q8 (red), C/2002 Q10 (green)

Arguments of perihelion (in degree) for the years from -170 to 2020 (click image to enlarge)
96P/Machholz (black), C/2000 O3 (blue), C/2002 Q8 (red), C/2002 Q10 (green)

Perihelion distances (in AU) for the years from -170 to 2020 (click image to enlarge)
96P/Machholz (black), C/2000 O3 (blue), C/2002 Q8 (red), C/2002 Q10 (green)

Semimajor axis (in AU) for the years from -170 to 2020 (click image to enlarge)
96P/Machholz (black), C/2000 O3 (blue), C/2002 Q8 (red), C/2002 Q10 (green)

The evolution for the other Kracht Komets looks different:

Inclinations (in degree) for the years from -170 to 2020 (click image to enlarge)
96P/Machholz (black), C/1996 X3 (blue), C/1996 X4 (red), C/1996 X5 (green), C/2002 S11 (magenta)

Longitudes of node (in degree) for the years from -170 to 2020 (click image to enlarge)
96P/Machholz (black), C/1996 X3 (blue), C/1996 X4 (red), C/1996 X5 (green), C/2002 S11 (magenta)

Arguments of perihelion (in degree) for the years from -170 to 2020 (click image to enlarge)
96P/Machholz (black), C/1996 X3 (blue), C/1996 X4 (red), C/1996 X5 (green), C/2002 S11 (magenta)

Perihelion distances (in AU) for the years from -170 to 2020 (click image to enlarge)
96P/Machholz (black), C/1996 X3 (blue), C/1996 X4 (red), C/1996 X5 (green), C/2002 S11 (magenta)

Semimajor axis (in AU) for the years from -170 to 2020 (click image to enlarge)
96P/Machholz (black), C/1996 X3 (blue), C/1996 X4 (red), C/1996 X5 (green), C/2002 S11 (magenta)


Rainer Kracht, 2009 September 06